Beside this teary woman, sat a man fidgeting his mobile.
It has been 2 hours since he had picked her from her apartment. She has not stopped crying since. Being seated in a restaurant does not seem to bother her too. He smiled at people who were getting concerned about her tears. No dude! I did not do anything to her. She is crying about her Ex.
He was not surprised by her situation. She should have seen this heartbreak coming. She should have known that he is not gonna stay.
BUT, He did not expect that she can cry for this long though. His stomach growled. The waiter had kept the food on the table, and left promptly without serving, seeing her cry. He heard her sniff again and he handed over the napkin which came along with the food they have ordered.
He tried to be patient, but the food is getting cold.
"Girl, you have seen worse and you are a tough woman", he tried to comfort her.
"But why does it always happen to me?", She squeaked and started crying fresh tears.

The names of men who were heartbroken by her flashed in his mind and he rolled his eyes. He scratched his head. He is out of words now. So he reached out and held her hands. She hissed.
"All men are the same!" she muttered.
He understood that it is a lost cause, and started to serve food to his plate. He placed some in her plate too. She pried in between her sobs and asked him to stop when he had served enough.
That made him smile and he shook his head. All that crying would have made her hungry! She was sitting with her feet on the chair and had bundled herself on the chair. It was a garden restaurant and no one seemed to be bothered about it.
He looked at her amused. "You know what? You look cute when you cry like this". He quipped with the smile.
That startled her and she stared back blankly.
When he finally served the dinner She pulled herself back to the table and they had their dinner in peace. Her cries have softened and she was not complaining anymore.

After the meal, they walked around the restaurants' park. It was a nice evening and her mood lightened. She spoke about her tiring job, and he spoke about his boring life. Then she spoke vividly about her dreams, her wishes, and all the plans she had chalked out after her marriage. Impressive! he thought.
It was getting late and people had started to leave the restaurant. It is time for him to drop her home.
He walked her to the car, and opened the door for her. She got in without looking away from his face. She was gauging him. Will he ask for a kiss? He could not help by smile at the fierce little thing she is. He handed over the cable and let her choose the songs to be played. With pride, she showcased her collection of music and hummed along. There was traffic. It did not bother him today. He can smell her faint perfume. He drove slow. She was talking... talking mostly to herself. He found her beautiful now, an amber soul, fiery, warm and beautiful. Her eyes did not tear up any more and in those eyes he had started to see his home.
She unplugged her phone when they reached the compound of her flat and told him that she enjoyed the evening. For that, He asked her to stop thinking too much and to sleep peacefully. Her heart whispered. He is a gentleman.
She unplugged her phone when they reached the compound of her flat and told him that she enjoyed the evening. For that, He asked her to stop thinking too much and to sleep peacefully. Her heart whispered. He is a gentleman.
She did not want to go home just yet. She opened the door to get out, paused and looked back at him.
"Did you really think that I was cute?" She blurted.
"Did you really think that I was cute?" She blurted.
"Yes". He said that tiny little word with a chuckle.